Leelou Blogs

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

May I take your order?

Good morning. Can I take your order?
Yes. I would like 4 hashbrowns and 2 small Cokes.
$4.03. Pull around to the first window.

I just had to write about my morning trips to McDonald's. We (Cole and I) don't go every morning but we do go quite a bit. The lady that takes our order every time might as well be a robot. She has the same tone in her voice everyday...no matter what she says. If you go through McDonald's drive thru in the mornings during the week...I bet you know exactly what I mean! I hope this isn't someone's grandma that I know. If so..I am sorry. I am sure she is very nice and very lovable but it makes me laugh each time. I bet when she plays Monopoly she gets wild and out-of-control!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That IS my granny-she really is a very nice person!! She loves reality TV shows-Try asking her what she watched on TV last night. I bet you have a lot in common.